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Transform raw data into actionable insights

Introducing neoHUB, your comprehensive solution for navigating the complexities of cancer genomics and variant analysis. With a relentless focus on transforming raw data into actionable insights, neoHUB empowers researchers, clinicians, and laboratories with intuitive visualizations and powerful analytics tools.

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Key Features

Delve deeper into some of the key features of neoHUB.

Overview Profile

Discover patient medical info and statistics on variants, neoantigens, TME, biomarkers, and HLA type.

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Neoantigen Profile

Explore MHCI and MHCII neoantigens and scored peptide sequences for insights.

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Variant Profile

Learn about detected variants: SNVs, indels, gene fusions, neoisoforms, and transposable elements.

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Expression Profile

Compare patient sample with GTEx healthy tissues and TCGA tumors in differential expression analysis.

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HLA Profile

View HLA typing results from three techniques and expression patterns of MHC-associated genes.

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Immune Profile

Shows deconvolution results with nine cell fractions and quantifies uncharacterized cells.


Why Choose Us

Explore the depths of cancer genomics with neoHUB. Our platform stands out by offering powerful analytics and intuitive visualizations designed to transform complex data into actionable insights, ensuring you have the tools needed to make informed decisions in cancer research and treatment.

Why Choose Us
  • Comprehensive Insights: Our platform integrates multiple layers of sequencing data, providing a holistic view of cancer genomics for more informed decision-making.
  • User-Friendly Visualizations: We offer intuitive and interactive visualizations that make complex data easy to understand and explore.
  • Tailored for Precision: Designed with the specific needs of immuno-oncology researchers, oncologists, and pathology labs in mind, our tools enhance the precision and effectiveness of your work.
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